Friday, June 27, 2008

Human Health & Nutrition

We offer a fast, friendly and efficient service of quality super fruit juices wellness noni.

We only deal with reputable suppliers, providing the highest quality products available on the market. If you would like to feel the benefit of these please visit us on the

In today's busy and stressful world

In today's busy and stressful world, dealing with the menopause can affect many women's lives in various degrees, ranging from slight to unbearable discomfort. Hormone replacement therapy (HRT), frequently prescribed to relieve these symptoms, has recently attracted scrutiny over its potential side effects and many women are now looking for an alternative form of relief whilst helping to keep the body healthy.

This revolutionary new product, Organic Noni Juice Women harnesses the exceptional health benefits of Noni juice and combines it with an exclusive blend of herbs, vitamins and minerals specifically designed to ease the symptoms of the menopause.

Whilst it cannot claim to replace HRT or other conventional products, Noni Juice Women can provide a natural boost for body and soul.

Organic Noni Juice Women is fortified with 8% Pomegranate Juice Concentrate: a rich source of flavonoids which may help to protect the heart by reducing blood pressure, it also contains powerful antioxidants renowned for their anti-aging properties and traditionally used to scavenge free-radicals and slow down cholesterol oxidation.

The unique formulation also contains:

* Black Cohosh and Red Clover; traditionally used to alleviate menopausal symptoms especially hot flushes and night sweats as well as sleep and mood disturbance
* Soy Isoflavones; resembles human oestrogen; may help to protect against hormone related disorders and reduce cardiovascular disease risks
* Calcium Citrate; a major mineral supplement, essential to health, may help to protect against osteoporosis.
* Phosphorus; essential for optimum bone health
* Dandelion; with diuretic properties and excellent liver tonic
* B Vitamin complex and Vitamin E; may help to keep the skin glowing, maintain elasticity, and fight the harmful effects caused by everyday stress

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Drink NONI Stay Healthy,Health & Fitness

Drink NONI Stay Healthy,Health & Fitness

Every parent wants their child to be top in the studies and intellectual too. All want their partner to perform well by every means. Every senior citizen wants to get rid of degenerated changes of body; to rejuvenate and stay young forever.

It means everyone wants WELLNESS in their life.

But unfortunately due to many reasons like Hectic Schedules, Stress, Junk Foods & Pollution Wellness remains only a dream.

World Health Organization has also appreciated the definition of WELLNESS according to Ayurveda:
A healthy person is one who is in harmony at the physical, emotional, psychological and spiritual levels.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Lowers High Blood Pressure:

In a research study, 85 percent of Noni juice drinkers reported decreased blood pressure while drinking Noni juice.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Fights Heart Disease

Fights Heart Disease: Noni juice can help with high blood pressure, heart disease and stroke. Some scientists believe that Xeronine can help promote a healthy cell structure within the circulatory system. Noni juice can also lessen the symptoms of heart disease.