Friday, July 25, 2008

Reduce Symptoms of Asthma Wellness Noni

Wellness noni

Reduces Symptoms of Asthma: Noni may help in reducing the severity of the symptoms of asthma by boosting and modulating the immune system and enhancing the cellular structure of the bronchioles.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Helps Control Diabetes

Helps Control Diabetes: wellness noni can aid in the regulation of insulin secretion by the pancreas, helping control diabetes. Drinking wellness noni may also help relieve diabetic symptoms through its ability to stimulate the body's production of nitric oxide. Both may also be important factors in decreasing symptoms such as poor circulation and vision problems.


Fortifies Cell Structure

Fortifies Cell Structure: wellness Noni is believed to fortify and maintain cell structure. This can be accomplished by wellness Noni helping the body heal itself and because Noni can aid "sick" cells in repairing themselves.


reduce symptoms of fibromyalgia

Reduces Symptoms of Fibromyalgia: Many people who suffer from Fibromyalgia experience loss of energy. An increase in energy from Noni is a very positive side effect from the juice. Seventy seven percent of people with Fibromyalgia reported lessened symptoms after they began drinking Noni juice.



Strengthens the Immune System: Noni juice boosts the overall immune system of the body and helps to maintain optimal health. Noni may help modulate a healthy immune system by either enhancing an already functioning system, by stimulating the components of a sluggish one, or by decreasing an overactive immune system. The mechanism by which Noni can do these different functions is called Adaptogenisis.


Testimonial of Wellnessnoni

Allergic Disorder disease cure by wellness noni

Monday, July 7, 2008


NONI plant contains various Vitamins, Essential elements, like Calcium, Iron, Niacin, Folic Acid, Pantothenic Acid, Phosphorus, Magnesium, Zinc, Copper and other minerals like Chromium, Manganese, Molybdenum, Sodium, Potassium etc.

Carbo-hydrates and 140 + isolated Neutraecuticals; alkaloids, steroids, flavinoids, terpinoids and other molecules with bio-activity. The presence of such a wide variety of legends suggest that the preparation acts on a wide variety of tissues through a number of different mechanisms.

The key alkeloids such as xeronine enhances enzyme activity and protein structure; Scopoletin dilates vasculature & lowers blood pressure; also useful as anti-inflammatory; analgesic; histamine-inhibiting; arthritic conditions; allergies; sleep disorders; migraine, headaches; depression; Alzheimer's disease etc.

Gold compounds

Gold compounds reduce inflammation, especially related to rheumatoid arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease, psoriatic arthritis, membranous nephritis, lupus erythematosus and infrequently, juvenile rheumatoid arthritis (JRA).

Once absorbed into the cell, gold is proposed to be linked to anti-mitochrondrial activity and induced cell apoptosis. Gold affects the entire immune response (phagocytes, leukocytes, T-Cells...) and reduce its potency and limit its oxidizing nature, ending the cycle of joint inflammation and erosion.
Harvard University Gazette (2006)

Bacopa monniera

Bacopa monniera
In India, adults and students take bacopa for better mental function. Bacopa tea is even given to infants to encourage optimal mental development. The herb is popular among students for improving mental clarity, confidence, intelligence, concentration, and memory recall.

It is Diuretic, Cardiac, Nervine and Tonic. It is reported to improve intellect, treatment of asthma, hoarseness, insanity, epilepsy. It is a potent nervous tonic and is anti anxiety agent. It is considered good for heart. Bacopa is considered to be the greatest herb for stress management and treating age-related mental decline, as well as for improving cognitive processes, including comprehension, memory and recall.

- Russo A, Borrelli F, Campisi A, Acquaviva R, Raciti G, Vanella Life Sci. 2003 Aug 8; 73(12): 1517-26.
- Stough C, Lloyd J, Clarke J, Downey LA, Hutchison CW, Rodgers T, Nathan PJ. Psychopharmacology (Berl) 2001 Aug;156(4):481-4

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Lowers High Blood Pressure

In a research study, 85 percent of Noni juice drinkers reported decreased blood pressure while drinking Noni juice.