Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Well Ness Noni

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Wellness Noni contains Noni, Gold, Silver and Rasayana herbs. Noni is the most popular herb of recent era world wide. According to available figures, approximately 23 persons are consuming a Noni dosage per second in any part of the world. Gold is the key ingredient of Suvarnaprashan Sanskara of Indian tradition, which proves the importance of Gold in the body as equal to mother's milk. Silver is highly valued as a rejuvenator for the brain and nervous system.

Overall, statistics and our research has shown that 92 out of 100 people benefitted by drinking Wellness Noni. Moneta Wellness Noni may support in and as:

Child care:

* As Brain tonic, to increase I.Q.
* Boon for hyper active children
* To reduce stress and perform better in exams

Women care:

* To relive pre menstrual problems like depression, pain, mood swings and back ache.
* Can alter the Hormone replacement therapy for post menopausal syndrome
* For purifying blood and improves the texture of the skin.
* For Healthy & Shiny Hair Growth

Anti-Oxidant & Rejuvenation:

* To strengthen body system against allergic diseases like asthma, allergic rhinitis and skin eruptions.

Men care:

Choice of daily tonic for highly skilled professionals like doctors, engineers, managers, business tycoons, advocates and IT Professionals
Helps to enhance Sexual Activity
Works as tonic and protector for regular smokers and drinkers
Choice of health drink for the health conscious, who are regularly performing exercise or Yoga.

Senior citizen:

To control diabetes and its complications.
Depression, Insomnia & Other Mental Disorders.
Problems of prostate, sexual weakness and urinary system.
Before and after heart attack. Helps to reduce bad cholesterol and increase good cholesterol & for Mild to Moderate blood pressure.
As an Adjuvant in the therapy of Angina.
To relive constipation & regularize bowel habits.


* To slower the progress of the cancer.
* When chemotherapy, radio therapy or surgery is contra-indicated .
* To minimize the side effects of chemotherapy and radio therapy.


Immunity Promoter in HIV-AIDS.
Helps to slower the viral load SKIN DISEASES.
To prevent and treat skin diseases like psoriasis, syphilis, acne, etc.