Saturday, April 12, 2008

How can Wellness Noni Gold be helpful in sleeping disorder?

Wellness Noni Gold can be used / or useful as a sleeping aid. Not only that, it increases the deep stage quality of sleep. The chief benefit is, that it is morning hangover free and completely non addictive. As it relieves daily stress and acts as a muscle relaxant, it shortens the time taken to fall asleep and also Prolongs the sleep time. It also reduces night awakening time.

Wellness Noni Gold can help to menopausal syndrome?

Wellness Noni Gold Provides relief from hot flushes and other vasomotor symptoms, it is veryeffective in relieving psychological symptoms of menopause such as depression & insomnia. It is an effective and safe alternative to HRT. It offers protective and risk free therapy.

My wife is having a problem of backache and white discharge; can I give her Wellness Noni Gold?

White discharged is better known as Leucorrhoea, it is an every day problem to the practicing gynecologist. Besides pathological conditions, there are others such as constitutional, hormonal, sexual and psychic. Leucorrhoea in the strict sense of the word means excessive amount of normal secretions, but it is loosely applied to include both excessive physiological and pathological discharge. This is inevitable because to the patient any kind of excessive discharge is always distressing.Well Ness Noni treats leucorrhoea and associated symptoms, Improve uterine blood circulation and also tones up the uro-genital system.

Our son has problem of chronic epilepsy, can Wellness Noni Gold help him?

General symptoms of fit or epilepsy includes fairly constant periodicity of fit, Tongue biting, at times injury from fall, Attacks of short duration and Gradual recovery. Wellness Noni Gold is useful both as individual and supportive therapy.
It minimizes the side effects of anti epileptic drugs very effectively.
Provides relief on the cardinal (ictal) features of loss of consciousness, convulsive movements,
Checks the Hyper salivation.
Controls the hyper activation of eyes and tongue.
Controls tongue bite, and the total ictal stage;
Better relief in post-ictal features of amnesia and drowsiness.
Lowers the frequency of attacks, minimizes the duration of attacks and checks severity of attacks.

Can it be helpful to the patients with frequent headaches, Trigeminal neuralgia or migraine?

Yes, as per our panel doctor’s experiences, Wellness Noni Gold is quite effective to manage recurrent headaches. It works on unilateral head pain; throbbing or pulsing pain; the Pain which is made worse by routine physical activity, pain with or without Nausea and/or vomiting, including migraine and trigeminal neuralgia.

Benefit of Wellness Noni Gold Anti- Aging formula:

Muscle: - increases power and endurance and reduces mental and physical fatigue. It helps to maintain and increase muscle mass and reduce muscle ache, thus reducing the recovery time. Improves metabolic process and quality of body tissues and eradicates diseases of old age.
Heart: - increases heart power and heart energy, reduces the heart frequency during exercise, reduces the size of heart infarction, limits symptoms of heartache and Angina Pectoris and enhances the tolerance of stress.
Immune cells: - increase the energy in immune cells; increase the activity of immune cells under stress, no negative effects in any case. And hence the natural resistance to infection will be more.
Brain: - Retards aging of brain, prevents Alzheimer
Nerves: - improves cognitive abilities like concentration, memory, learning ability, reduces the loss of receptors and nerve cell, increases the recovery of nerve cells, reduces mental fatigue and increases mental activity
Liver: - improves liver function, increases protein synthesis and fat oxidation in the liver, increases the recovery of liver cells, reduces the toxic effects of alcohol.
Sperms: - increases sperm motility, increases number and amount of sperm cells, increases the fertility of sperm cells

We have heard that all Rasayana therapy works as Anti ageing?

Yes, Wellness Noni Gold is Rasayana therapy. Rasayana herbs have high levels of safety for daily use and effectiveness. They are nontoxic, given to small children as tonics, and are also taken by the middle-aged and elderly to increase longevity.

Our child is not good at studies; can Wellness Noni Gold help him?

Yes, as Wellness Noni Gold contains time tested brain tonics, it works as follows:
Enhances Memory Retention
Improves Intellectual Functioning
Facilitates Learning
Restores Tranquility of Mind

Does Wellness Noni Gold help in increased cholesterol, disturbed lipid profile, hypertension or cardiac problems?

Yes, it certainly works to manage disturbed hyper cholestremia. But patient should follow the dietary does and don’ts advised by his/her physician to achieve the best of the results. According to our research we have found that the basic cause of all cardiac problems is various types of stress. Wellness Noni Gold reduces stress very effectively, which supports to maintain normal lipid profile too. Over all Wellness Noni Gold may help in following conditions:
Ensures favorable lipid profile - Decreases TC, LDL, TG and increases HDL
Demonstrates cardio protective properties
Controls mind to moderate hypertension
Removes fatigue and promotes good restful sleep
Before or after by pass surgery of heart

How does Wellness Noni Gold help in respiratory disorder and Asthma?

Wellness Noni Gold is a unique blend of antioxidants which boosts up the immunity. Wellness Noni Gold is boon for the patients of allergic asthma especially. Because of its unique combination it works on a variety of allergies as well as to support the respiratory function. It strengthens the lung functions. Over all it can work in following conditions of respiratory problems:
Seasonal rhinitis
Recurrent respiratory infection
Breathing Problems
Allergic reactions
Bronchial Asthma
Sore throat
Too much mucus
Mucus blockage

Does Wellness Noni Gold work for cancer?

We personally hear unimaginable stories every day from happy patients from all over the world. It is working on almost every type of cancer patients. For our exclusive research work on cancer, please visit research link:

Can I take more then recommended dose of Wellness Noni Gold?

You cannot overdose, although it is not advisable to be excessive, as loose stools will be the result. It is not about drinking huge amounts but taking it regularly like putting engine oil in a car.

How does Wellness Noni Gold help Depression?

The Wellness Noni Gold contains scientifically proven mood elevators like Withania Somnifera, Silver nano particles and Bacopa monnieri. They stimulates the pineal gland and releases serotonin so you have a natural feeling of wellbeing, it balances moods and in my experience you feel more positive and up, hence taking other positive action such as taking a walk or eating well.

How can Wellness Noni Gold work with so many different illnesses?

This is the greatness of Mother Nature that even single herb can work for many conditions, diseases. As Wellness Noni contains the most powerful herbs like Morinda Citrifolia, Withania Somnifera, Tribulus etc, these drugs contains more than 500 active alkaloids including vitamins, minerals, amino acids and phyto-chemicals. It balances the body at cell level. It is helping every cell to work more efficiently, mind, nervous system, bowel, stomach, heart, almost every part of the body.

Can Wellness Noni Gold help after a course of orthodox medicine has been taken?

According to individual needs Wellness Noni Gold can help to alleviate the after effects of orthodox medicines.

Can it be taken at the same time as orthodox prescribed medicine?

Yes, why not? In fact during our research we have found that Wellness Noni Gold works synergistically with the other medicines in most of the patients, and it also prevents body from the hazardous side effects of few toxic drugs.

Is Wellness Noni Gold considered a safe product to drink?

Yes, Wellness Noni Gold is produced from the safe herbs and natural fruits and it is safe to consume. More and more Doctors are recommending Wellness Noni Gold. In fact, we have a team of more then 500 doctors who are regularly prescribing Wellness Noni Gold as medicine in different part of the India.

Will Wellness Noni Gold help with my disease?

According to Ayurveda each and every human being is a unique by body type and we are all different, accordingly. So no one can tell you which exact effect it will have. Not even a doctor can assure you the effect that a drug will have on each individual. The science of medicine according to individual’s body type is known as Ayurgenomics. But according to our research, with our expert’s team and other doctors and professionals interviewed after the study, concluded that Wellness Noni Gold helped 82 % of the patients or healthy persons.

What type of problems has Wellness Noni Gold cured or improved?

According to the testimonials and our extensive research, we have found that Wellness Noni Gold is working almost on every system. However, very encouraging results have been found on the patients of various types of cancer, Rheumatoid Arthritis, chronic renal failure, Gout, stress induced disorders like Diabetes, gastritis, ulcer, hyper cholestremia, Heart problems, Sexual weakness, insomnia, etc. In healthy persons, we have observed that Wellness Noni Gold is one of the best performance enhancer on earth. So it can be a boon for the high profile persons and executives who work for more then 15 hours a day. In children we have found that it improves the recollection power, memory and growth. Over all, Wellness Noni Gold contains drugs with Rasayana properties, Rasayana drugs are said to be useful in almost every type of condition.

How long after drinking Wellness Noni Gold should I feel the results?

Each one of us responds differently according to our body type i.e. Prakriti. Some of us will feel an immediate difference and some will take longer to see the benefits. We have observed immediate results with Asthma, depression, Mood swings, stress, Hangover Prevention and Addictive Cravings. Overall, our experience with the patients and the healthy persons consuming Wellness Noni Gold show that approximately a 25% experience a noticeable difference in two weeks more or less, 50% between two and six weeks and 25% between six and ten weeks.

Where does the Noni plant grow?

The Noni or Morinda Citrifolia is a plant or tree that grows in hot, tropical environments. The Noni can be found in places like Panama, India, Hawaii, Fiji, Tahiti, Tonga, Samoa and some countries of Central and South America. There are about 80 different varieties.

What is Noni Morinda Citrifolia?

Morinda Citrifolia is the scientific name of the Noni plant. Morinda Citrifolia is also known as Nonu and Nono in several islands of the South Pacific. It has traditionally been used as a medicine, in India and other countries since centuries.

What is Karmic Sickness?

According to Ayurveda and Indian philosophy, this is a sickness caused by wrong doings in past lives, intentionally or unintentionally.

Does Ayurveda work for everybody?

Yes, Ayurveda works in 95% of cases. The other 5% is due to intense karmic sickness

How does the Ayurvedic system work?

From observing the universe, macro-cosmos, climate differences in various geographical locations and seasons the Rishis discovered that these principles can be applied to the human body. We are a micro-cosmos living in macro–cosmos. They realized that the body has certain rhythms, similar to nature. When these rhythms are balanced the body is healthy; when they are imbalanced the body becomes sick - this system is governed by Dosha, biological force or humor, constitution, Prakriti or nature. Dosha is the “password” of your body, once you understand your unique password you will be able to understand how your body works and how to keep it balanced.

As you said, Wellness Noni Gold is an Ayurveda proprietary medicine. I would like to know that what Ayurveda is.

Ayu means life and Veda means knowledge, therefore Ayurveda means the science of life. Ayurveda is the traditional Indian health system which is more than 5,000 years old. This system was propounded by the Rishis of India - they understood the resonance of the universe and how the body works through its anatomy and physiology. They realized that good health can be maintained through diet and lifestyle as well as taking Ayurvedic medicine. The principles of Ayurvedic medicine and the harmony between mind and body have been documented and practiced in India for thousands of years.

What is Moneta Wellness Noni Gold Gold?

Wellness Noni Gold is the unique formulation is based on the most experienced medical science i.e. Ayurveda. It is developed after the research of more than 10 years by the team of highly qualified experts of Ayurveda, lead by Dr Joban Modha, M.D. (Ph.D.) It is an FDA approved Ayurvedic proprietary medicine. It is a unique composition containing Morinda Citrifolia, Amruta Satva, Withania Somnifera, Dhatri, which are processed with Gold and silver Nanorodes, Tribulus terrestris, and Terminalia chebula.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Har marz ka ilaj hai 'Wellness noni'

हर मर्ज़ का इलाज है 'वेल्ल्नेस नोनी'

Lakho Rogo Ka Ilaz Wellness Noni

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

WellNess Noni : Moneta Mkt. Pvt. Ltd.

Welcome to Wellnessnoni

..In today's era each and everyone wants to look attractive, youthful, energetic and wish to stay healthy, wealthy & happy.

Every parent wants their child to be top in the studies and intellectual too. All want their partner to perform well by every means. Every senior citizen wants to get rid of degenerated changes of body; to rejuvenate and stay young forever.

It means everyone wants WELLNESS in their life.

But unfortunately due to many reasons like Hectic Schedules, Stress, Junk Foods & Pollution Wellness remains only a dream.

World Health Organization has also appreciated the definition of WELLNESS according to Ayurveda:
A healthy person is one who is in harmony at the physical, emotional, psychological and spiritual levels.

The Aim of Ayurveda is to maintain a perfect state of Swastha (Health):

“To protect the health of the healthy person
To get rid of the disease of the unhealthy person.” [C.Sa.1/35]

Rasayana (rejuvenation) is one of the eight branches, which describe an herbal preparation that promotes a youthful state of physical and mental health and expands happiness. Rasayana herbs have high levels of safety for daily use and effectiveness. They are nontoxic, given to small children as tonics, and are also taken by the middle-aged and elderly to increase longevity.

Benefits of Rasayana

The main purpose of Rasayana therapy is to retard the aging process and to delay the degenerative changes in the body. It enhances the intelligence, memory, body strength, luster of the skin, and modulation of voice.
It nourishes the blood, lymph, muscles, tissues, semen, and thus prevents Chronic degenerative disorders like Arthritis.
Improves metabolic process and quality of body tissues and eradicates diseases of old age.
Helps to attain optimal physical strength and sharpness of sense organs.
Rasayana has marked action on reproductive organs and also nourishes Shukra Dhatu (semen/ovum).
Rasayana nourishes the whole body and improves Immune system and hence the natural resistance to infection will be more.
Wellness Noni is the perfect blend of the best Rasayana herbs of Ayurveda. It is designed by a team of highly qualified doctors of Ayurveda after 10 years of extensive market, literary, pharmaceutical, pharmacological, and clinical Research.
Moneta Wellness Noni is the unique formulation with divine herbs prescribed in 5000 years old classics, consumed by billions of Indians since years and approved by the latest scientific research world over.

Well Ness Noni